Join Forces With Chattabox

Hey guys!

Chattabox has posted about her upcoming party, and you're invited!

(This event has now ended)

Here is what she wrote:

G’Day Penguins,
The Future Party is here!!! And how much fun is the future?! I’m having such a great time exploring, eating out at the Blast-Off Bistro and trying on all the awesome future-inspired outfits in the catalogue. Check out the picture of a few of us rockin’ out in the Dance Dome. 
I’ve also been battling meteors and getting ready for The Prorobot Battle. But I think I’m in need of a little help. So for this weeks party, I’m calling all penguins to join forces and go battle those meteors. Come prepared with your “Fish Sticks”, “Big Red”, “O’Blaster” or “Cadet Jetpack” and we will re-group at the new galactic zoo that has opened up for this months party (how cool!). 
Lets meet in The Future at The Zoo on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 29th May, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don’t forget, this is now 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 28th May for everyone over in the US and Canada, and 7am on Thursday 29th May for my pals in the UK.

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